1. The Boys are Leaving Town
2. Young Hearts Spark Fire
3. Wet Hair
4. Rockers East Vancouver
5. Heart Sweats
6. Crazy/Forever
7. Sovereignity
8. I Quit Girls
I like to hark back to the good old days, unfiltered cigarettes, casual sexism (women drivers) and music that came out in the last 12months or so and in this case its Japandroid’s ‘Post Nothing’. Over the last while we've been besieged with bands with two solitary members, No Age, Death from Above, Simon and Garfunk to name but three but one of the outstanders has to be these two guys from Vancouver. On the first listen I was hooked like someone on meow meow or the bite size bars of Milka that ive been devouring like some sort of crazed mongoose on a snake, or is it the other way about, either way it’s a great album.
The first track the ‘Boys are leaving Town’ does exactly what it says on the tin with shouting, great rifts and the feeling that these guys are going somewhere (on tour to be precise) With only a drummer and guitar you would think they are lacking a few other instruments but they make up for it with big and brashey tunes that come one after another until the final ‘I Quit Girls’ which is a coming home at 5 in the morning song after a very long night. The standout track for myself is ‘Rockers East Vancouver’, actually ‘Wet Hair’ or maybe even ‘Sovereignty’, ok so I don’t have one but coming in under 8 songs Post Nothing is short, loud and you get their point. If you havent been able to listen then get it, you have no excuses, put away all those electro bands and get some noise back into your ears for this album gets better and better with every listen.
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I was able to hear the droids live a few months ago and was visibly shaken by the noise that they generated, bearing in mind I was about 3 foot from the speaker but that’s another matter. If you have any decency you'll pay a visit and see the guys in action as they are playing Europe in the summer.
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Longer reviews soon, im a bit rusty after the Easter break.
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